The AddressBook API is missing the ABRecordGetTypeID function

Number:rdar://11806004 Date Originated:04-Jul-2012 04:08 PM
Status:Closed Resolved:
Product:iPhone SDK Product Version:5.1
Classification:Enhancement Reproducible:Not Applicable
The AddressBook API defines the ABRecordRef type but is missing the ABRecordGetTypeID function.

Steps to Reproduce:
Not Applicable

Expected Results:
The AddressBook API provides a ABRecordGetTypeID function.

Actual Results:
The AddressBook API does not provide a ABRecordGetTypeID function.

Not Applicable

CFAllocatorRef           has a matching CFAllocatorGetTypeID           function.
CFArrayRef               has a matching CFArrayGetTypeID               function.
CFAttributedStringRef    has a matching CFAttributedStringGetTypeID    function.
CFBagRef                 has a matching CFBagGetTypeID                 function.
CFBinaryHeapRef          has a matching CFBinaryHeapGetTypeID          function.
CFBitVectorRef           has a matching CFBitVectorGetTypeID           function.
CFBooleanRef             has a matching CFBooleanGetTypeID             function.
CFBundleRef              has a matching CFBundleGetTypeID              function.
CFCalendarRef            has a matching CFCalendarGetTypeID            function.
CFCharacterSetRef        has a matching CFCharacterSetGetTypeID        function.
CFDataRef                has a matching CFDataGetTypeID                function.
CFDateFormatterRef       has a matching CFDateFormatterGetTypeID       function.
CFDateRef                has a matching CFDateGetTypeID                function.
CFDictionaryRef          has a matching CFDictionaryGetTypeID          function.
CFErrorRef               has a matching CFErrorGetTypeID               function.
CFFileDescriptorRef      has a matching CFFileDescriptorGetTypeID      function.
CFHostRef                has a matching CFHostGetTypeID                function.
CFHTTPAuthenticationRef  has a matching CFHTTPAuthenticationGetTypeID  function.
CFHTTPMessageRef         has a matching CFHTTPMessageGetTypeID         function.
CFLocaleRef              has a matching CFLocaleGetTypeID              function.
CFMachPortRef            has a matching CFMachPortGetTypeID            function.
CFMessagePortRef         has a matching CFMessagePortGetTypeID         function.
CFNetServiceBrowserRef   has a matching CFNetServiceBrowserGetTypeID   function.
CFNetServiceRef          has a matching CFNetServiceGetTypeID          function.
CFNetServiceMonitorRef   has a matching CFNetServiceMonitorGetTypeID   function.
CFNotificationCenterRef  has a matching CFNotificationCenterGetTypeID  function.
CFNullRef                has a matching CFNullGetTypeID                function.
CFNumberFormatterRef     has a matching CFNumberFormatterGetTypeID     function.
CFNumberRef              has a matching CFNumberGetTypeID              function.
CFPlugInRef              has a matching CFPlugInGetTypeID              function.
CFPlugInInstanceRef      has a matching CFPlugInInstanceGetTypeID      function.
CFReadStreamRef          has a matching CFReadStreamGetTypeID          function.
CFRunLoopRef             has a matching CFRunLoopGetTypeID             function.
CFRunLoopObserverRef     has a matching CFRunLoopObserverGetTypeID     function.
CFRunLoopSourceRef       has a matching CFRunLoopSourceGetTypeID       function.
CFRunLoopTimerRef        has a matching CFRunLoopTimerGetTypeID        function.
CFSetRef                 has a matching CFSetGetTypeID                 function.
CFSocketRef              has a matching CFSocketGetTypeID              function.
CFStringRef              has a matching CFStringGetTypeID              function.
CFStringTokenizerRef     has a matching CFStringTokenizerGetTypeID     function.
CFTimeZoneRef            has a matching CFTimeZoneGetTypeID            function.
CFTreeRef                has a matching CFTreeGetTypeID                function.
CFURLRef                 has a matching CFURLGetTypeID                 function.
CFUUIDRef                has a matching CFUUIDGetTypeID                function.
CFWriteStreamRef         has a matching CFWriteStreamGetTypeID         function.
CGColorRef               has a matching CGColorGetTypeID               function.
CGColorSpaceRef          has a matching CGColorSpaceGetTypeID          function.
CGContextRef             has a matching CGContextGetTypeID             function.
CGDataConsumerRef        has a matching CGDataConsumerGetTypeID        function.
CGDataProviderRef        has a matching CGDataProviderGetTypeID        function.
CGFontRef                has a matching CGFontGetTypeID                function.
CGFunctionRef            has a matching CGFunctionGetTypeID            function.
CGGradientRef            has a matching CGGradientGetTypeID            function.
CGImageDestinationRef    has a matching CGImageDestinationGetTypeID    function.
CGImageRef               has a matching CGImageGetTypeID               function.
CGImageSourceRef         has a matching CGImageSourceGetTypeID         function.
CGLayerRef               has a matching CGLayerGetTypeID               function.
CGPathRef                has a matching CGPathGetTypeID                function.
CGPatternRef             has a matching CGPatternGetTypeID             function.
CGPDFDocumentRef         has a matching CGPDFDocumentGetTypeID         function.
CGPDFPageRef             has a matching CGPDFPageGetTypeID             function.
CGShadingRef             has a matching CGShadingGetTypeID             function.
CMBlockBufferRef         has a matching CMBlockBufferGetTypeID         function.
CMBufferQueueRef         has a matching CMBufferQueueGetTypeID         function.
CMFormatDescriptionRef   has a matching CMFormatDescriptionGetTypeID   function.
CMSampleBufferRef        has a matching CMSampleBufferGetTypeID        function.
CTFontCollectionRef      has a matching CTFontCollectionGetTypeID      function.
CTFontDescriptorRef      has a matching CTFontDescriptorGetTypeID      function.
CTFontRef                has a matching CTFontGetTypeID                function.
CTFrameRef               has a matching CTFrameGetTypeID               function.
CTFramesetterRef         has a matching CTFramesetterGetTypeID         function.
CTLineRef                has a matching CTLineGetTypeID                function.
CTParagraphStyleRef      has a matching CTParagraphStyleGetTypeID      function.
CTRunDelegateRef         has a matching CTRunDelegateGetTypeID         function.
CTRunRef                 has a matching CTRunGetTypeID                 function.
CTTextTabRef             has a matching CTTextTabGetTypeID             function.
CTTypesetterRef          has a matching CTTypesetterGetTypeID          function.
CVPixelBufferRef         has a matching CVPixelBufferGetTypeID         function.
CVPixelBufferPoolRef     has a matching CVPixelBufferPoolGetTypeID     function.
GLKMatrixStackRef        has a matching GLKMatrixStackGetTypeID        function.
SCNetworkReachabilityRef has a matching SCNetworkReachabilityGetTypeID function.
SecCertificateRef        has a matching SecCertificateGetTypeID        function.
SecIdentityRef           has a matching SecIdentityGetTypeID           function.
SecKeyRef                has a matching SecKeyGetTypeID                function.
SecPolicyRef             has a matching SecPolicyGetTypeID             function.
SecTrustRef              has a matching SecTrustGetTypeID              function.
SSLContextRef            has a matching SSLContextGetTypeID            function.

I can see a clear pattern here.


11-Jul-2012 08:35 AM Apple Developer Relations

Engineering has provided the following feedback regarding this issue:

We are always looking for ways to improve our products and services. Please know that we have forwarded your comments to the appropriate group for review and consideration.

By cedric.luthi at Sept. 12, 2013, 9:36 a.m. (reply...)

05-Jul-2012 06:46 PM Cédric Luthi

This issue is not solved in iOS 6.0 beta 2 (10A5338d).

By cedric.luthi at July 5, 2012, 4:49 p.m. (reply...)

05-Jul-2012 06:33 PM Apple Developer Bug Reporting Team

Engineering has requested the following information in order to further investigate this issue:

Are you also experiencing this issue with iOS 6.0 beta 2 (10A5338d)?

By cedric.luthi at July 5, 2012, 4:49 p.m. (reply...)

Please note: Reports posted here will not necessarily be seen by Apple. All problems should be submitted at before they are posted here. Please only post information for Radars that you have filed yourself, and please do not include Apple confidential information in your posts. Thank you!