UI Automation: scrollToVisible() gives kAXErrorFailure

Number:rdar://12339174 Date Originated:20-Sep-2012 08:44 PM
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:Xcode Product Version:4.5
Classification:Serious Bug Reproducible:Always
On Mountain Lion and the GM of Xcode 4.5, calling UIAElement.scrollToVisible() on a valid element results in UIAutomation framework error. This did NOT happen in Xcode 4.4.1. This is affecting our automated regression suite from running correctly (we have around 150 tests taking 2 hours to run that used to run fine, but now do not).

Steps to Reproduce:
Create a new project. Add a button onto the main window. Run UI Automation instrument. Create blank script. Paste the following script and press play:

var target = UIATarget.localTarget();

Expected Results:
No error.

Actual Results:
The following error is displayed in the log and the test run fails:

Script threw an uncaught JavaScript error: Unexpected error in -[UIAButton_0x9e0e890 scrollToVisible], /SourceCache/UIAutomation_Sim/UIAutomation-271/Framework/UIAElement.m line 1545, kAXErrorFailure on line 4 of New%20Script

Does not happen with Xcode 4.4.1. Upon installing Xcode 4.5, the script will fail.


Same for me - XCode 4.6, iOS 6.1.

We are also having dozens of UIAutomation tests and this bug is really a critical one.

I am also seeing the same issue on Xcode 4.6 on phones with iOS version 6.1 Unexpected error in -[UIAStaticText_0x1e02b160 scrollToVisible], /SourceCache/UIAutomation/UIAutomation-271/Framework/UIAElement.m line 1545, kAXErrorFailure

Test case fails only with version 6.1. 5.1 versions are running fine. It is badly affecting our automated regression test suite

By sandhya2012 at Feb. 1, 2013, 6:48 p.m. (reply...)


The problem reproduces in xCode 4.5.2, I downgraded to xCode 4.3 (together with using Instruments 4.3 too) and the problem solved completely.

Boaz Warshawsky NDS Israel

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