UISearchDisplayController does not hide nav bar when in a child view controller

Number:rdar://12707768 Date Originated:15/11/2012
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:iPhone SDK Product Version:6.0
Classification:UI/Usability Reproducible:Always
I have a UITableViewController which is a child of another view controller. The latter is displayed in a navigation controller.
The UITableViewController also has a UISearchBar and a UISearchDisplayController (set in a Xib).

On iOS 5, activating the search bar (and thus the search display controller) will hide the navigation bar,
On iOS 6, it does not. I guess this is because it tries to stay confined in its parent view controller. I suggest to have a "navigationViewController" property or something similar in UISearchDisplayController to tell it which UIViewController it should play with.

Steps to Reproduce:
- Create a UINavigationController
- Add a UIViewController
- In this UIViewController, add a UITableViewController with a UISearchBar and a UISearchDisplayControlller

Expected Results:
- UISearchDisplayController should hide the UINavigationBar when activated

Actual Results:
- UISearchDisplayController does not hide the UINavigationBar when activated


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