Add firstObject to NSArray and pals

Number:rdar://13650524 Date Originated:15-Apr-2013 03:29 PM
Status:Closed Resolved:October 4 2013, 9:07 PM
Product:OS X SDK Product Version:10.8
Classification:Enhancement Reproducible:Not Applicable
Presently, there is no way to safely and quickly retrieve the first object in an array/collection. `objectAtIndex:` throws an exception if you request an out of bounds object, whereas `lastObject` safely does what it says on the box.

Given how common it is to request the first object in an array, I'd love to see a simple addition to these guys:

    if ([self count] > 0) {
        return [self objectAtIndex:0];

    return nil;

Any chance of that happening? I'll file the same against the iOS SDK.


Here's the iOS version

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