UIReturnKeySearch sends newline character, breaks API flow

Number:rdar://14484206 Date Originated:18-Jul-2013 03:37 PM
Status:Closed Resolved:
Product:iPhone OS Product Version:7.0
Classification:Other Bug Reproducible:Always
18-Jul-2013 03:37 PM Josh Avant:
When a UIReturnKeySearch is clicked, a newline character is sent to`searchBar:shouldChangeTextInRange:replacementText:` (when using UISearchBar, for example).

This is a poor design because the key is presented to the user as a blue, action-type key labelled 'Search', which doesn't suggest that it would be used to insert a newline into the text field.

Further, if NO is returned from `searchBar:shouldChangeTextInRange:replacementText:` when the UIReturnKeySearch button is clicked, `searchBarSearchButtonClicked:` will not be called by the framework.

This forces the developer to accept the newline character in `searchBar:shouldChangeTextInRange:replacementText:`, then sanitize the UISearchBar's text in `searchBarSearchButtonClicked` for this specific scenario, which is a bad design.

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Run the attached code
2. Touch the UISearchBar text field to activate the keyboard
3. Press Search key

Expected Results:
-No newline character is sent to `searchBar:shouldChangeTextInRange:replacementText:`.
-`searchBarSearchButtonClicked:` is called, independent of the return result for `searchBar:shouldChangeTextInRange:replacementText:`.

Actual Results:
`searchBar:shouldChangeTextInRange:replacementText:` returns NO, causing `searchBarSearchButtonClicked:` not to be called.

18-Jul-2013 03:37 PM Josh Avant:
'UIReturnKeySearchNewline.zip' was successfully uploaded



I closed this issue, since it fell out-of-date.

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