UISearchDisplayController changes it's UISearchBar superview

Number:rdar://15142242 Date Originated:10/3/2013
Status:Open Resolved:No
Product:iOS SDK Product Version:7.0
Classification:Serious Bug Reproducible:Yes
In iOS 7, if a UISearchBar is in a UIScrollView view hierarchy, but not added directly to a UIScrollView, UISearchDisplayController will change it's superview to be the UIScrollView when search is dismissed.  In iOS 6 and previous versions, the superview remains consistent.

iOS 6 Log:

12:06:32.360  loadView - searchBar.superview: <UIView: 0x76742e0; frame = (0 0; 0 0); layer = <CALayer: 0x7673f30>>
12:06:39.494  searchDisplayControllerWillBeginSearch: - searchBar.superview: <UIView: 0x76742e0; ...>
12:06:39.813  searchDisplayControllerDidBeginSearch: - searchBar.superview: <UIView: 0x76742e0; ...>
12:06:40.593  searchDisplayControllerWillEndSearch: - searchBar.superview: <UIView: 0x76742e0; ...>
12:06:40.859  searchDisplayControllerDidEndSearch: - searchBar.superview: <UIView: 0x76742e0; ...>

iOS 7 Log:

12:07:04.549  loadView - searchBar.superview: <UIView: 0x8c6e070; ...>
12:07:07.122  searchDisplayControllerWillBeginSearch: - searchBar.superview: <UIView: 0x8c6e070; ...>
12:07:07.624  searchDisplayControllerDidBeginSearch: - searchBar.superview: <UIView: 0x8b79300; ...>
12:07:08.006  searchDisplayControllerWillEndSearch: - searchBar.superview: <UIView: 0x8b79300; ...>
12:07:08.263  searchDisplayControllerDidEndSearch: - searchBar.superview: <UIScrollView: 0x8c642d0; ...>

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Create a container view for UISearchDisplayController's search bar
2. Add the search bar to the container view
3. Add container view to a UIScrollView
4. Monitor the search bar superview

Expected Results:
The search bar's superview should never change.

Actual Results:
In iOS 7, the superview changes when search is dismissed.



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