mDNS not working on IPv4 in some cases

Number:rdar://16163906 Date Originated:2/25/2014
Status:Closed Resolved:Duplicate of 15175541
Product:iOS Product Version:7.0.6
Classification:Serious Bug Reproducible:Always
mDNS doesn't always communicate over WiFi IPv4 interfaces on iOS devices.  I've setup a network where an iPad and a Windows 7 PC running iTunes is connected to an Access Point that does not provide DHCP.  In this scenario, both the iPad claims a link-local address for both IPv4 and IPv6.  The Windows 7 machine claims a link-local for both IPv4 and IPv6 as well.

If I launch the Remote app on the iPad, iTunes never detects the Remote mDNS service in order to display the "remote" button that allows the pairing.

If I do a wireshark capture of the network traffic, I can see the iPad is communicating mDNS over IPv6, but not IPv4.  I can also see iTunes only communicating over IPv4

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Connect iPad to network with no DHCP
2. Connect Windows 7 computer running iTunes to network
3. Launch Remote app on iPad
4. iTunes will never detect the Remote app

Expected Results:
I expect mDNS to communicate over IPv4 and IPv6 at all times in accordance with mDNS RFC (

I would expect iTunes on the PC to detect the Remote app on the iPad

Actual Results:
mDNS on iPad only communicates over IPv6 in certain circumstances and this means the remote app isn't detected from iTunes

iOS 7.0.6 (11B651)
iPad MC980LL/A

Attached is a wireshark capture of the iPad (IPv6 address fe80::14b7:a36f:1f2d:532d) and Windows PC, (IPv4 address

iPad 2
Windows 7 service pack 1
Access Point with DHCP disabled


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