Section-Index titles view in UITableView overlaps UISearchBar scope buttons

Number:rdar://16404307 Date Originated:24.03.2014
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:iOS Product Version:7.1
Classification: Reproducible:YES
In a UITableView when the data source provides title for the section-iondex on the right of the table, the section-index titles view overlaps the scope buttons in the UISearchBar at the top.

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Add a UITableView to the controller;
2. Provide section index titles to the table view datasource (e.g. with [[UILocalizedIndexedCollation currentCollation] sectionTitles];)
3. Add a UISearchBar with scope buttons enabled in the tableview header view ([_tableView setTableHeaderView:_searchBar];)
4. Add 

Expected Results:
The section index title view should not overlap the scope button of the search bar. The search bar scope buttons should resize (or the developer should actually be able to resize the UISearchBar frame, which is not able to do)

Actual Results:
The section index titles view overlaps the scope buttons of the UISearchBar


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