LLDB print command dumps gibberish and refuses to print for some method calls

Number:rdar://16646480 Date Originated:17-Apr-2014
Status:Closed Resolved:in Xcode 8
Product:Developer Tools Product Version:5.1.1
Classification:Serious Bug Reproducible:Always
"po [var method]" fails with bizarre error messages like:

error: instance method 'undoManager' has incompatible result types in different translation units ('id' vs. 'NSUndoManager *')
note: instance method 'undoManager' also declared here
error: 1 errors parsing expression


error: instance method 'preferredContentSize' has incompatible result types in different translation units ('<unknown type>' vs. 'CGSize')
error: instance method 'nibName' has incompatible result types in different translation units ('id' vs. 'NSString *')
error: instance method 'nibBundle' has incompatible result types in different translation units ('id' vs. 'NSBundle *')
error: instance method 'view' has incompatible result types in different translation units ('id' vs. 'UIView *')
error: instance method 'title' has incompatible result types in different translation units ('id' vs. 'NSString *')
error: instance method 'parentViewController' has incompatible result types in different translation units ('id' vs. 'UIViewController *')
error: instance method 'wantsFullScreenLayout' has incompatible result types in different translation units ('char' vs. 'BOOL' (aka 'signed char'))
error: instance method 'extendedLayoutIncludesOpaqueBars' has incompatible result types in different translation units ('char' vs. 'BOOL' (aka 'signed char'))

depending on "var" and "method".

I believe it is the same bug as 15890965.

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Run sample app(http://cl.ly/1F281X411w1a).
2. Hit the breakpoint in [ViewController viewDidAppear:].
3. Input "po [topVC childViewControllerForStatusBarHidden]" in console to see the gibberish.


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