UISearchBar: search field frame has no margin

Number:rdar://17308420 Date Originated:13-Jun-2014 11:50 PM
Status:Closed Resolved:
Product:iOS SDK Product Version:8.0 beta (WWDC seed)
Classification:UI/Usability Reproducible:Always
When adding a search bar to a navigation bar via addSubview:, the search bar has no margins around the search field.

This is a regression from iOS 7.

Steps to Reproduce:
Open and run the attached sample project under iOS 8.

Expected Results:
The search field should have a margin of 8 pt to the left and right.

Actual Results:
The search field has no margins to the left and right.

iOS 8 beta (WWDC seed)

In iOS 7 the search field has correct horizontal margins.

Simulator, iPhone 5s

'SearchBarFrame.zip' was successfully uploaded.


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