The UISearchDisplayController breaks when displaysSearchBarInNavigationBar is set to YES on iPad

Number:rdar://17536116 Date Originated:07/02/2014
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:iOS Simulator Product Version:iOS 7.1 (D11167)
Classification:Other Bugs Reproducible:Always
On iPad, while the UISearchDisplayController displaysSearchBarInNavigationBar option does move the UISearchBar to the UINavigationBar, it also breaks other functions the UISearchDisplayController performs in the process:

* It stops displaying the searchResultsTableView
* It stops dimming the searchContentsController's view 

The displaysSearchBarInNavigationBar option works as expected on iPhone.

Steps to Reproduce:
Set the displaysSearchBarInNavigationBar option to YES on iPad.

The attached project shows identical code and setup for iPhone and iPad to display the UISearchDisplayController in the UINavigationBar. On iPhone everything works, on iPad the UISearchDisplayController stops dimming the searchContentsController's view and does not display the searchResultsTableView.

Expected Results:
Setting the displaysSearchBarInNavigationBar option to YES displays the UISearchBar in the navigation bar, and the UISearchDisplayController continues to perform it's other functions, such as dimming the searchContentsController's view and showing the searchResultsTableView.

Actual Results:
While setting the option to true does show the UISearchBar in the UINavigationBar, it also breaks it's other functions of dimming the searchContentsController's view and showing the searchResultsTableView.

iOS 7.1 (D11167)


iOS Simulator


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