Bonjour connections hang Adium and stop *all* IP networking on machine

Number:rdar://18599454 Date Originated:
Status:Unresolved Resolved:
Product:Mac OS X Product Version:10.10
Classification: Reproducible:


Adium hangs on trying to connect using Bonjour on 10.10. I don't think the bug is actually in Adium, but it *appears* to the casual user that Adium no longer works. If a bonjour account is set to auto-connect on app open, Adium immediately beachballs. The reason I don't think this is Adium's fault is because is actually takes down ALL networking on the machine. 
I submitted the following to Apple:
I upgraded to OSX 10.10 and kept noticing that I would have networking for 5-10 minutes max and then it would just stop. I could request DHCP renewals, but nothing else worked. After some trial and error, I tracked the problem down to discoveryd.
Steps to reproduce

Start (latest version 1.5.10)
Accounts tab
Add a Bonjour account (little + icon in the lower left corner)
accept defaults, OK
Adium will try to connect, discoveryd will ramp up to 100% and all networking on the Mac will quickly cease.

This didn't happen with OS X 10.9.5.

Networking fix: killall discoveryd


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