discoveryd stops responding when Adium Bonjour IM account is enabled

Number:rdar://18711714 Date Originated:10/20/2014
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:OS X Product Version:10.10
Classification:Hang/Crash Reproducible:Always
Adium includes support for Bonjour IM. When it is enabled something it sends causes discoveryd to go to 100% CPU and stop responding.

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Install Adium
2. Enable Bonjour IM

Expected Results:
To be logged into bonjour IM and be visible to other local nodes running it

Actual Results:
Adium becomes mostly unresponsive. Other DNS-using apps cannot resolve sites, although nslookup, host, and tools using libresolv directly are fine.

10.10 (14A389)


Occurs with Adium 1.5 on Yosemite. Does not occur with the same version of Adium on Mavericks
MacBook Pro.spx - configuration file has been successfully uploaded.


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