UIActivityViewController Copy activity ignores UIImage.imageOrientation Property

Number:rdar://19456881 Date Originated:2015-01-13
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:iOS Product Version:8.1.2 (12B440)
Classification:UI/Usability Reproducible:Always
Attachments: https://jeffvautin.com/wp-content/uploads/openradar/radar19456881activityVCCopyTest.zip

When sharing a UIImage through a UIActivityViewController, all activities respect the UIImage imageOrientation property except the Copy action. For instance, a UIImage captured from the camera with a UIImagePickerController, in portrait mode, should have an imageOrientation value of UIImageOrientationRight (raw data rotated 90 deg CCW).

Passing that UIImage to a UIActivityViewController to share results in a properly-orientated image for all activities (Mail, Messages, Save Image, etc) except Copy. When using Copy and then pasting the image into another application (such as Messages), the image pasted has the orientation of the raw data from the UIImage (90 deg CCW).

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Run attached example project on an iPhone.
2. Press Take Image and Share.
3. Take a photo in Portrait orientation (log should report orientation == 3 === UIImageOrientationRight). <== see attached image1*.jpg
4. Share the UIImage with the Copy activity.
5. Paste into Messages.

Expected Results:
Image should be pasted as it appeared in the camera viewfinder. This behaves properly when selecting an activity such as Save Image (see attached image2*.jpg).

Actual Results:
Image is rotated 90 deg CCW when pasted. <== see attached image3*.jpg

8.1.2 (12B440)


iPhone 6 T-Mobile 64GB

'activityVCCopyTest.zip', 'image1_uiImagePickerController_screenshot.PNG', 'image2_Saved_to_Camera_Roll.JPG' and 'image3_Copied_to_Messages.PNG' were successfully uploaded.


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