The Documentation Does Not Note Since Which Version a Protocol is Implemented

Number:rdar://20935964 Date Originated:13-May-2015 06:05 PM
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:Documentation Product Version:
Classification:Serious Bug Reproducible:Always

* The current documentation of `UISearchBar` says that it conforms to `UITextInputTraits`.
* Therefore a `UISearchBar` supports the method `enablesReturnKeyAutomatically`.
* The method `enablesReturnKeyAutomatically` says that it is supported from iOS 2.0 onwards.
* But calling `enablesReturnKeyAutomatically` on a `UISearchBar` on iOS 7.0 will crash.
* This is because `UISearchBar` only conforms to `UITextInputTraits` since iOS 7.1.
* The current documentation cannot represent that fact - but it should be added. A compile error would also help a lot.


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