UISearchBar: want auto select mode

Number:rdar://22685788 Date Originated:14-Sep-2015 07:19 PM
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:iOS SDK Product Version:9.0 GM
Classification:Enhancement Reproducible:Always
The system-wide iOS search field auto-selects previously entered text. So when the user enters search again the previously entered search text is still available but pre-selected, allowing the user to enter a new search without having to delete the old text manually.

I want that behavior for my own apps. I'd like to simply enable auto-select mode by setting a property on UISearchBar.

While I can use 

[[UIApplication sharedApplication] sendAction:@selector(selectAll:) to:nil from:nil forEvent:nil]

to auto-select the text of a focused UISearchBar, the behavior is slightly different: The text selection displays blue begin and end marks.


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