Allow UISearchBar's placeholder text to be affected by the searchTextPositionAdjustment property (or a dedicated property)

Number:rdar://24196958 Date Originated:1/14/2016
Status:Duplicate of 14388290 Resolved:
Product:iOS SDK Product Version:9.2
Classification: Reproducible:Always
Today on iOS 9.2 and below, the position of placeholder text in a UISearchBar is not configurable. One can configure where the actual search text is placed with the `searchTextPositionAdjustment` property but this property does not affect the placeholder text.  App developers should be able to configure placeholder text offset either with the existing `searchTextPositionAdjustment` property or with it's own property, perhaps named `placeholderPositionAdjustment`.

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Make a UISearchBar with some non-empty placeholder text
2. set the searchTextPositionAdjustment to some nonzero offset (or set the as of yet nonexistent placeholderPositionAdjustment property to a nonzero offset).

Expected Results:
Placeholder text is offset by the defined offset.

Actual Results:
Placeholder text is not offset, but the searchText is.

Occurs on iOS 9.2



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