Setting UITextView's and UISearchbar's keyboardAppearance through appearance() leads to non-descriptive exception

Number:rdar://27206741 Date Originated:2016-07-06
Status:Open Resolved:No
Product:iOS SDK Product Version:iOS 9.3
Classification:Crash/Hang/Data Loss Reproducible:Always
If UITextInput’s “keyboardAppearance” property is set using “appearance()” to UITextView and UISearchBar classes, an exception is thrown without description, saying “Please file a radar on UIKit if you see this assertion.”

Steps to Reproduce:
1 - Add “UITextView.appearance().keyboardAppearance = .Dark” wherever in the code
2 - Add a UITextView to a view controller
3 - Open the view controller
4 - The exception is thrown

Expected Results:
There should be no errors and the UITextView and/or UISearchBar keyboard should be the expected appearance

Actual Results:
An exception is thrown with the attached stack trace.

I was always able to reproduce it, including in new, clean projects running in the Simulator with iOS 9.3 with Xcode 7.3.1 (7D1014)

I’ve attached the stack trace and an example project. A workaround is possible by setting the desired keyboard appearance to each instance of UITextView or UISearchBar without using “appearance()”


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