modalPresentationCapturesStatusBarAppearance not being ignored in fullscreen presentation

Number:rdar://30870230 Date Originated:3/6/17
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:iOS Product Version:10.1
Classification:UIKit Reproducible:Always
The API docs state that "The system ignores this property’s value for a view controller presented fullscreen". However when presenting a full screen modal I have found that it is still necessary to override this value and set it to 'true' in order to capture the status bar appearance.

Steps to Reproduce:
1). Create a custom UIViewController with preferredStatusBarStyle overridden to .lightContent
2) also override modalPresentationStyle to .overFullScreen
3) present that custom controller over another controller. 

Expected Results:
The custom controller should capture the statusbar appearance, and so a light status bar should be shown

Actual Results:
The custom controller doesn't capture the status bar appearance, and so no change is made to the status bar. 

If you override modalPresentationCapturesStatusBarAppearance and set it to `true` in the custom view controller, then the status bar appearance is captured.


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