Enhanced Siri voice in AVSpeechSynthesizer

Number:rdar://33123947 Date Originated:5/7/2017
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:AVFoundation Product Version:iOS 11 beta 2
Classification:Bug Reproducible:Always

iOS 11 adds the new great Siri voices, but those are not yet available to developers using AVSpeechSynthesizer.

Expect my application to be able to read a text aloud using the new voices, but they're not available from the list yet.
Only very old and metallic ones are present.

The final user has the ability to download additional voices from Settings app, but even doing so only the old and rusty ones are listed. I'm considering this a bug.

Steps to Reproduce:
Get all the available voices with
cycle through them to find the new one.

Expected Results:
The new new voices should be selectable by the user.

Observed Results:
Only old and metallic ones are available.

iOS 11 beta 2


Every device. I.E. iPhone 7


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