Attached UISearchBar doesn't work with dark barTintColors

Number:rdar://33145534 Date Originated:06-Juli-2017 12:57 AM
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:iOS + SDK Product Version:11.0 beta 2
Classification:UI/Usability Reproducible:Always
When using the new method to attach search bars by setting navigationItem.searchController the search field displays black text on black background if the navigation bar uses a dark barTintColor (less than 50% brightness).

Steps to Reproduce:
Build and run the attached sample project and scroll down to reveal the search bar

Expected Results:
The search field background should be only slightly darker than the navigation bar background.

Actual Results:
The search field background is almost black.

11.0 beta 2

Interestingly, when manually configuring a UISearchBar (or via tableHeaderView) with UISearchBarStyleMinimal to a dark background, the search field is rendered correctly with a slightly darker color.

See also: rdar://33144701 (feature request to let us specify the placeholder and text colors of the search field)


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