Magnifying Glass Of UITextField/UITextView/UISearchBar Should Respect Safe Area Insets

Number:rdar://35797017 Date Originated:01/12/17
Status:Open Resolved:No
Product:iOS Product Version:11.2
Classification:Bug Reproducible:Yes
UITextField/UITextView/UISearchBar uses the magnifying glass to make it easier for the user to see which text he/she selected. Unfortunately, the logic responsible for positioning the magnifying glass below or above the text input doesn't take the safe area insets into account which basically makes it disappear behind the iPhone X's notch for every searchbar or textfield within a navigation bar. 

Steps to Reproduce:
Open any app with a typical search (i.e. SearchController) like Mail on an iPhone X and start typing text (text should reach at least to the middle of the screen). Longpress on the text and select text so that the magnifying glass moves below the notch.

Expected Results:
The magnifying glass should move below the text input either as soon as it intersects with the notch or right from the beginning.

Actual Results:
The magnifying glass is above the text input and intersects with the notch until it's not visible/usable anymore.

iOS 11.2 (15C5110b)


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