Handling of Actions in UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate broken in watchOS 5 beta 4 - response.notification is null

Number:rdar://42328770 Date Originated:18-Jul-2018
Status:open Resolved:
Product:watchOS + SDK Product Version:watchOS 5 beta 4
Classification:bug Reproducible:Yes
When I try to handle actions on the watch with the UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate, it doesn't work anymore on watchOS 5.
Reason is that the response object handed into the delegate does NOT have a notification object anymore (that works fine on watchOS 4 / Xcode 9)

Interesting enough, if you tap the notification on the watch (not one of the action buttons), the delegate DOES receive a notification object (see below).

But if you tap one of the action buttons, the notification is always null.

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Run the attached Xcode project, scheme MyTest WatchKit App (Notification)
2. once the notification shows up on the watch, tap the button 'First Button'
3. check the console log - the notification object in the response is null

Expected Results:
the response object has a notification:
userNotificationCenter(_:didReceive:withCompletionHandler:) <UNNotificationResponse: 0x7a7a6760; actionIdentifier: com.apple.UNNotificationDefaultActionIdentifier, notification: <UNNotification: 0x7a7a6a50; date: (null), request: <UNNotificationRequest: 0x7a79bad0; identifier: 6EAE09A5-49A8-4222-8FBE-EDFF250A9623, content: <UNNotificationContent: 0x7a79bb50; title: Optional title, subtitle: Optional subtitle, body: Test message, summaryArgument: (null), summaryArgumentCount: 0, categoryIdentifier: myCategory, launchImageName: , threadIdentifier: 5280, attachments: (
), badge: (null), sound: (null),, trigger: <UNPushNotificationTrigger: 0x7a7a6b50; contentAvailable: NO, mutableContent: NO>>>>

Actual Results:
the response object has an *empty* notification
userNotificationCenter(_:didReceive:withCompletionHandler:) <UNNotificationResponse: 0x78763ab0; actionIdentifier: firstButtonAction, notification: (null)>

Xcode 10 beta 4, watchOS 5 (16R5322d)


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