initWithVCardRepresentation: doesn't fully parse multi-record vCards

Number:rdar://4697953 Date Originated:
Status:Open Resolved:
Product: Product Version:
Classification: Reproducible:
I am trying to accept drags from and an ABPeoplePicker. I register for the NSFilenamesPboardType and create a ABPerson instance with the VCard files dragged by using -initWithVCardRepresentation:. 
This works fine when a single person is dragged. If multiple people or groups are dragged, instead of getting a separate VCard for each person, a single VCard containing every person dragged is returned.
If I attempt to use -initWithVCardRepresentation: the returned ABPerson only has the data for the first person in the VCard.

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Register a view for the NSFilenamesPboardType
2. From an ABPeoplePicker or, drag either a group or multiple people at the same time on the view.
3. Create an NSData instance containing the data in the single returned filename. (The filename is something like "[First Person] and X others.vcf")
4. Create an ABPerson instance with -initWithVCardRepresentation:, passing the data from the previous step

Expected Results: 

Actual Results:
As an ABPerson instance is only designed to hold data for a single person, only the first person is read from the data.

If the option key is held down during the drag, a separate VCard for each person is posted on the NSFilenamesPboardType. Then, a separate ABPerson can be created for each file.

ABGroup should implement an -initWithVCardRepresentation method that would read every person stored in the data.


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