Dock: Unable to create an Application without a dock icon

Number:rdar://5672863 Date Originated:07-Jul-2010 12:43 PM
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:Mac OS X Product Version:10.5-10.6
Classification:Other Bug Reproducible:always
07-Jan-2008 11:34 AM Dirk Theisen:


(This report affects the Dock application.)

I am the developer of MenuCalendarClock <> (MCC).

This utility puts an NSStatusItem into the menu bar and displays a calendar and allows todo (and soon event) editing.

Older versions of MCC have used the NSUIElemet flag in the info plist to prevent a dock icon from appearing.
Unfortunately, this has a lot of unwanted side effects we can no longer handle. As it imposes all kinds of problems wrt. proper keyboard focus, menu shortcuts, keyboard tabbing in dialogs, MCC not showing in the application (force quit) list and so on. So NSUIElement is not an option for MCC.

The main menu fixed all that but now MCC has a dock icon we and tons of our users do not like.
User feedback shows that clearly. They want MCC to be unobtrusive and no dock real estate to be wasted.

Example here:

> MenuCalendarClock for iCal on Leopard now shows an icon on the dock.  
> This is a very undesirable trait and goes against
> the idea of "Menu"CalendarClock as an idea.  I am unable to locate an
> option to turn off this behavior.  Is there a hidden feature to turn
> off the dock icon


Please offer us as developers a new key in the info.plist file to just turn off the dock icon. This will be an easy fix for Apple to a big problem for us.

Thank you for listening to a "1st day" OS X developer.


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