kLSSharedFileListItemHidden always returns false

Number:rdar://6482251 Date Originated:08-Jan-2009 02:12 PM
Status:Closed Resolved:Behaves Correctly
Product:Mac OS X Product Version:
Classification: Reproducible:Yes
08-Jan-2009 02:12 PM Dave Dribin:
Calling LSSharedFileListItemCopyProperty() with the kLSSharedFileListItemHidden property always returns a false CFBoolean (kCFBooleanFalse).  This does not match up with the Login Items user interface in System Preferences or the System Events  AppleScript API.

Steps to Reproduce:
Call LSSharedFileListItemCopyProperty() on all items of the login items list (kLSSharedFileListSessionLoginItems).

Expected Results:
Login items that are hidden should return true.  Hidden Login Items can be seen by opening the Accounts preference pane and clicking the Login Items tab.

Actual Results:
All login items return false for kLSSharedFileListItemHidden. 


Only workaround is to fall back to pre-10.5 APIs and use AppleScript (System Events).



kLSSharedFileListItemHidden is wrong property to use. It should be CFSTR("com.apple.loginitem.HideOnLaunch"). On Snow Leopard, you can use the kLSSharedFileListLoginItemHidden constant.

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