dhcp fails for ipv6 networks

Number:rdar://6551942 Date Originated:03-Feb-2009 01:05 PM
Status:Duplicate/3598535 Resolved:No
Product:Mac OS X Product Version:10.6
Classification:Serious Bug Reproducible:Yes
I'm connecting to a network that requires DHCPv6 for obtaining an IPv6 address instead of stateless address autoconfiguration (SLAAC).   The system is not getting an IPv6 address at all, so I am unable to get on the net at this location.   It appears that the ipv6 dhcp client service is failing or is non-existent.

Steps to Reproduce:
Connect to an IPv6 network that uses DHCP instead of SLAAC for obtaining addresses.   In "Network Preferences", set "Configure IPv6" to "Automatically".   Wait for IPv6 address to be configured.

Expected Results:
An IPv6 address should appear, and be viewable with "ifconfig", as is the case on SLAAC based networks.

Actual Results:
An IPv6 address never appears.

The problem does not appear on networks that are configured for SLAAC.   The problem only exists on networks that are "managed" or "stateful", and where SLAAC is not available.

We're starting to see more situations where SLAAC is not supported, because it is not compatible with the IVI translator.
Also note that I also have the problem on my iPhone.


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