iPhone OS does not support IPv6

Number:rdar://6747399 Date Originated:01-Apr-2009 10:27 PM
Status:Duplicate/5654764 Resolved:
Product:iPhone Product Version:All
Classification:Other bug Reproducible:Always

All WiFi-capable devices sold by Apple now support IPv6 and use it in preference to IPv4 where available. iPhone OS, used by the iPhone and iPod touch, appears to contain no support for IPv6 at all.

Steps to Reproduce:

Connect an iPhone or iPod touch to an 802.11b/g network.

Expected Results:

The device should perform stateless autoconfiguration and generate a link-local (fe80::/64) address. If an IPv6 router is advertising itself on the local network, the device should do the same for a global address within the advertised prefix. The device would then be able to communicate via IPv6 with other devices on the local network (and, if applicable, globally).

Describe what you expected to happen when you executed the steps above.

Actual Results:

No IPv6 connectivity is available. No IPv6 addresses are configured for the WiFi interface.


None. No public release of iPhone OS has ever supported IPv6.


Similar Results os iPhone OS

I have the same results. It appears that the .o objects were not compiled into the kernal, by Apple. Maybe if Apple decided they want to be innovatave, they will implement IPv6 on the IPhone/ITounch in 3.0.

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