CATiledLayer not redrawing when visible

Number:rdar://6941930 Date Originated:02-Jun-2009 11:14 PM
Status:Closed Resolved:
Product:iPhone Product Version:3.0 beta 5
Classification:Serious bug Reproducible:Always
The attached project sets up a UIScrollView whose content view's layer contains twenty simple CATiledLayers laid out in ten rows of two.

Each layer has -setNeedsDisplay called on it when created. The drawing method is very simple and just fills a white rect. However, when the app is first run, not all of the tiled layers have their rects filled. When the user scrolls by just a very small amount, more tiled layers are drawn; a small amount more, and all tiled layers are drawn.

All visible tiled layers should be drawn immediately, rather than only after scrolling has occurred.

If you replace the "white square" layers with plain CALayers rather than CATiledLayers, they all draw in time, as you would expect.

Also, 2.2.1 seems to do better (in the simulator, at least) than 3.0 beta 5.


Possible workaround

See for a workaround that worked for me.


Did you get any feedback on this bug? I'm experiencing a similar issue - testing in iOS 4.x device/sim

I'm hitting a brick wall here :(

By mat.wilkinson at April 2, 2011, 7:26 p.m. (reply...)

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