Can get duplicate calendars subscribed on iPhone OS 3.0

Number:rdar://6991619 Date Originated:20 June 2009
Status:Duplicate/6767933 Resolved:
Product:iPhone Product Version:3G / 3.0
Classification:Serious Bug Reproducible:Always
20-Jun-2009 09:46 PM Sanjay Samani:
Clicking on a subscription link on the iPhone can lead to the same calendar be subscribed to multiple times.

Steps to Reproduce:
1. In iCal on a Mac, create a calendar, add some events.
2. Publich calendar to MobileMe.
3. Send an email for the published calendar
4. On an iPhone, open the mail with the subscription URL
5. In the mail message, click and hold on the webcal:// subscription URL
6. When prompted, select "Open" calendar
7. When prompted,select "Subscribe" to the calendar
8. Repeat steps 5-8
9. Open the calendar application on the iPhone
10. Navigate back to the list of calendars. Under the subscribed section, the subscribed calendar will appear twice.

Expected Results:
An information message saying the the calendar is already subscribed

Actual Results:
Duplicate subscription created

Related issue is that there is no way to unsubscribe a calendar subscription, making this problem a major headache.

'iphone calendar subscription bug.jpg' was successfully uploaded


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