UIScrollView constrained zooming

Number:rdar://6994816 Date Originated:6-22-2009
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:iPhone SDK Product Version:3.0
Classification:Enhancement Reproducible:Always
I would like to be able to constrain zooming to just vertical or just horizontal in a UIScrollview.

Steps to Reproduce:
Create a UIScrollViewDelegate with some viewForZoomingInScrollView: delegate magic as one normally would and pinch.  

Expected Results:
In a limited number of cases, it would be nice to be able to stretch the view only horizontally or only vertically.  Imagine a calendar application much like your own that shows a user their entire day but also allows the user to zoom in (stretching only the height of an hour) to see more detail.  

Actual Results:
The zoom always zooms in both the horizontal and vertical directions.  

Giving the UIScrollview a property such as "constrainsZooming" and adding delegate methods that only get called when it is YES such as "ViewForHorizontalZoomingInScrollView:" and  "ViewForVerticalZoomingInScrollView:" would be quite useful.  You would also have to allow one to set the vertical and horizontal zoom factors separately in, say, setHorizontalZoom: and setVerticalZoom:.  SetZoom would probably set both horizontal and vertical zoom properties if constrainsZooming is NO.


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