Unsubscribing Calendars on iPhone can be confusing

Number:rdar://7019466 Date Originated:30 June 2009
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:iPhone Product Version:3G / 3.0
Classification:UI/Usability Reproducible:Always
30-Jun-2009 11:36 AM Sanjay Samani:
Unsubscribing Calendars on iPhone can be confusing

Steps to Reproduce:
1. In iCal on a Mac, create a calendar, add some events.
2. Publich calendar to MobileMe.
3. Send an email for the published calendar
4. On an iPhone, open the mail with the subscription URL
5. In the mail message, click and hold on the webcal:// subscription URL
6. When prompted, select "Open" calendar
7. When prompted,select "Subscribe" to the calendar
8. Go to Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars

Expected Results:
- Would expect subscribed calendars to be under the "Calendars" Section

Actual Results:
- Instead they are "Accounts", all other items in this section are Mail accounts.  Calendars are not "accounts"

With 11 email accounts set-up on my iPhone, I repeatedly scrolled past the subscribed calendars and did not notice them on the list.  All settings below relate to Mail, until the Contacts section, which is clearly marked.  Below this is the Calendars section.  Subscribed calendars should be placed here as a second choice.

Preferably it should be possible to unsubscribe calendars from the Calendar app, rather than have to go in Settings in the first place.


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