UISearchBar's Scope Bar visible when bar not in use

Number:rdar://7102989 Date Originated:July 29 2009
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:iPhone Product Version:3.1
Classification:UI/Usability Reproducible:Always

When using a UISearchBar with a custom light-blue tint and translucency enabled within a table view with a section index, the buttons on the bar's Scope Bar are just visible through the right-hand end of the bar, as evidenced in the attached screenshot. Also, in landscape view the edge of the scope buttons is visible in the section index area (second screenshot).

Steps to Reproduce:

I'm using a plain table view with a section index list displayed on the right hand side, including the search index marker. The UISearchBar is set as the custom header view for the table using the attached code.

Expected Results:

The background for the search bar is expected to be a constant gradient, albeit slightly lighter than the navigation bar above it which uses the same tint (translucency over a white background is used to provide a lighter tone of the same colour, since I don't know enough colour theory to actually do that myself). When in landscape mode, the scope bar's segmented control should not be visible on-screen at all.

Actual Results:

Where the text field is offset properly to account for the existence of the section index you can make out the edge of the last scope selector button through the bar background. See attached screenshot for an example. This artefact is visible on both the device and the simulator. When rotated to landscape mode, the space for the section index is not taken into account when calculating the x-offset of the scope buttons' segmented control.


This happens in 3.0 and the latest 3.1 beta.


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