No means to alter UISearchBar's scope bar tint colour

Number:rdar://7103309 Date Originated:July 29 2009
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:iPhone Product Version:3.0
Classification:UI/Usability Reproducible:Always

The scope bar for a UISearchBar doesn't obey the tint color set on the search bar, whether displaying as a separate bar or putting a segmented control in the tinted search bar itself.

Steps to Reproduce:

Create a UISearchBar with some scopes, and set a custom tint colour on the search bar. Activate the bar in both portrait and landscape modes to observe the issue.

Expected Results:

Scope bar and segmented control should match the tint colour used on the search bar.

Actual Results:

Scope bar and segmented control use a default colour scheme.


Happens in 3.0 and in the latest 3.1 beta (7C116a).



Landscape Mode:

Portrait Mode:

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