SSH to an IPv6 host does not properly allow forwarding of v4 connections

Number:rdar://7134337 Date Originated:2009-08-11
Status:Open Resolved:No
Product:Mac OS X Product Version:10.5.8
Classification:Serious bug Reproducible:Always

SSH is often used to establish tunnels over a secure channel, for example to allow a local client to connect to a piece of server software whose port is filtered for direct access on the server. One common example of this is using SSH tunnels to connect to servers on which the MySQL database server is running, but only bound to on the server.

Note that, at present, neither MySQL server nor client support IPv6. ::1 is not a valid alternative to as far as it is concerned.

Steps to Reproduce:

Assuming mysqld is bound to on the server, execute one of the following on the (Mac OS X) client, assuming '' is accessible 

ssh -v -L 13306:

ssh -v -L

(after adding an entry to /etc/hosts reading “ localhost-v4”):

ssh -v -L localhost-v4:13306:

Expected results:

In all of these cases, the local forwarder should be bound to on TCP port 13306.

Actual results:

In the first case, the socket is bound to ::1, not

In the second case, an error is reported and no socket is bound. The error is:

channel_setup_fwd_listener: getaddrinfo( nodename nor servname provided, or not known
Could not request local forwarding.

In the third case, again, an error is reported and no socket is bound. The error is similarly:

channel_setup_fwd_listener: getaddrinfo( nodename nor servname provided, or not known
Could not request local forwarding.




OpenSSH_5.1p1 (the same version as used on Mac OS X 10.5.8) on Ubuntu Linux does not suffer from this problem: in the first case, sockets are opened for both and ::1; in the second and third, sockets are opened for both

The issue appears to be that the local forwarding socket is established with the same address family as the outgoing SSH protocol socket.

For IPv6-aware client applications, this is obviously not a problem, but for those which do not support IPv6, it renders SSH tunnelling useless where the target host is only accessible via IPv6.


Note that in the “Steps to Reproduce:” section, the first sentence should have ended “…is accessible via IPv6, either solely or by preference.”

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