NSArray is missing the firstObject method

Number:rdar://7352369 Date Originated:30-Oct-2009 06:46 PM
Status:Duplicate/3058939 Resolved:
Product:Other Product Version:Cocoa API
Classification:Enhancement Reproducible:Not Applicable
NSArray is missing the firstObject method.

Steps to Reproduce:
[anArray firstObject];

Expected Results:
NSArray provides the firstObject method.

Actual Results:
NSArray does not provide the firstObject method.

Since Mac OS X 10.0

NSArray provides the lastObject method. It doesn't make sense to have a lastObject method without its firstObject method counterpart.

NSMutableArray is also missing removeFirstObject but provides removeLastObject.

The Automator framework provides the firstObject method in NSArray's AMCocoaExtensions category, but I'd prefer not relying on this.


Duped as 12322471

By heath.borders at Sept. 18, 2012, 7:42 p.m. (reply...)

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