iCal cannot add .ics to my calendar

Number:rdar://7455806 Date Originated:09-Dec-2009 12:45 AM
Status: Resolved:
Product:iApps Product Version:iCal 4.0.1 (1374)
Classification:Serious Bug Reproducible:Unable
I received "Concierge Mac.ics" from Apple. I clicked "Add this to your calendar" in Mail.app, and iCal began to add the event.

Unfortunately, the pop-up menu for which calendar to add to did *not* list any of my existing calendars. I *had* to choose "New Calendar" (screenshot).

Then I was able to Control-click the event, move it to my "Chris" calendar, and delete the bogus "Technical Support" calendar iCal just created.

I quit iCal, opened the file again, and iCal's pop-up showed my calendars properly this time.

Note: I use BusySync and also have a CalDAV calendar set up.

See also http://db.tidbits.com/article/10817 which sounds relevant.


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