iPad Simulator should include more built-in apps

Number:rdar://7593736 Date Originated:30-Jan-2010 12:13 AM
Status:Duplicate/7478517 Resolved:
Product:iPhone SDK Product Version:3.2b1
Classification:Enhancement Reproducible:Not Applicable
With the iPad, we are trying to develop apps for a device and platform only a few dozen non-Apple people have ever used.  The iPad HIG and other documentation is a good start towards understanding how UIs on this new platform should work, but it would really be helpful if some more built-in apps were also included so we could see more examples of what you think good iPad apps should look like.

Looking at the home screen, Maps, Notes, Photos and Safari seem like good, fairly "harmless" choices.  That amazing calendar could probably inspire a lot of developers and designers.  I realize that these apps are probably not complete yet, but even unfinished versions would really help us get our heads around what we should be doing.


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