Wrong timezone in Buenos Aires

Number:rdar://7684479 Date Originated:24-Feb-2010 11:19 AM
Status: Resolved:
Product:OS X Product Version:10.6.2
Classification:Other Bug Reproducible:Always
In Snow Leopard, version 10.6.2, choosing Buenos Aires - Argentina as the timezone, uses a timezone of GMT-3, which is correct. However, it's displayed as "GMT-3" instead of "Argentina Time".

The symlink in /etc/localtime is linked to America/Argentina/San_Luis, while it should be linked to Buenos_Aires (they are slightly different).

Finally, calendars pulled from Google Calendar, display correct, but events move 1hr in March 24th, where DST was suppossed to change (Argentina did not use DST on 2010, as was planned).


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