SL: JPEG images fail to draw into PDFs in certain situations

Number:rdar://7874035 Date Originated:16-Apr-2010
Status:Closed Resolved:
Product:Mac OS X Product Version:10.6.x
Classification:Severe Reproducible:Always
With JPG data,

- An incremental CGImageSource is used,
- it is updated with incomplete data
- then updated with complete data from a direct provider (NOT with CFData)
- then is used to create a CGImage
- That CGImage will fail to draw into a PDF.

Sample code attached [contact me if you want it].

To use the sample code, compile it. Run it under 10.5 and see that it creates a PDF file and opens it. There will be an image in the PDF. This is correct behavior. Run the app under 10.6.x. It will generate a PDF and open it. The PDF will appear to be blank. If you inspect the PDF you will see that the image is present but has no data.


We believe this issue has been addressed in  Mac OS X Lion Developer Preview  Build 11A390.


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