iCal can not open .ics files unless there is a local calendar.

Number:rdar://8007151 Date Originated:
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:Mac OS X Product Version:10.6.3
Classification: Reproducible:Always
19-May-2010 09:57 PM Daniel Jimenez:
'Console Messages.png' was successfully uploaded

19-May-2010 09:57 PM Daniel Jimenez:
Summary: iCal can not open any .ics files emailed or downloaded (ie from webex) when the only calendar is a CalDav calendar. I'm unsure about Exchange, as I do not have access to an Exchange server. I've tested this both against iCal server and Google Calendar.

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Add a caldav calendar to iCal.
2. Remove all local calendars (leaving only the caldav calendar)
3. Double click or drag to the iCal any .ics file.
4. iCal comes to the front, but nothing happens.
5. An error is logged to the system log in Console.app:
5/19/10 9:25:13 PM	iCal	CaliTIPHandler: request: ignoring message because there are no calendars to put it in: <snip>

Expected Results:
The ics file would be added to iCal automatically with a notification for you to accept or decline. Alternatively you can double click the .ics file and the same should happen. 

Actual Results:
iCal comes to the front, and nothing happens. If you do have a local calendar the meeting can not be moved, cut/pasted or reassigned to the CalDav calendar. Leaving your availability incorrect on your server side calendar. This essentially means iCal server is in an unusable state as well.

Workplace calendar sharing on a centralized server is essentially not usable if you receive event invites from people/websites external to your workplace. 

A number of users are let down and switching to using Outlook via parallels or using Spanning Sync (which they lose the ability to use the availability panel and attendee pane). Please save iCal.


Hooray, this is fixed in 10.6.4!!!

By daniel.j.jimenez at June 16, 2010, 3:56 p.m. (reply...)

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