imageWithContentsOfFile does not find hi-dpi version of image

Number:rdar://8160592 Date Originated:05-Jul-2010 08:53 PM
Status:Duplicate/8084451 Resolved:
Product:iOS 4 Product Version:8A293
Classification:Important Reproducible:Always
05-Jul-2010 08:53 PM Matt Martel:

In iOS 4.0 on a new iPhone 4, calling imageWithContentsOfFile: does not load the appropriate hi-dpi version of a file.

Steps to Reproduce:

My code looks something like this:

[images addObject:[UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:[[path stringByAppendingPathComponent:m_Label] stringByAppendingPathComponent:[imagePaths objectAtIndex:0]]]];

imagePaths is a dict of file names, like "red.png". In the subdirectory specified by m_Label I have placed both "red.png" and red@2x.png".

Expected Results:

I expect the resource named "red@2x.png" to be displayed on the iPhone 4.

Actual Results:

It shows "red.png" instead.


If I specify "red@2x.png" instead it correctly displays that file.



The documentation is very clear. On iOS 4.0 you can expect the imageWithContentsOfFile method to automatically find the @2x version. Apple is admitting this is a known issue, note the dupe issue number.

Also, omitting the file suffix will not work on pre-4.0 devices, so that is not going to work. Additionally, omitting the file suffix for this method also fails on iOS 4.0. I have tried it.


Perhaps the documentation should be updated to reflect this fact? As it stands, the documentation implies that initWithContentsOfFile: and imageWithContentsOfFile: will return @2x versions of images without any modifications to code, regardless of whether the extension is specified or not.

By james.addyman at July 18, 2010, 11:33 p.m. (reply...)

agreed, i would consider it to be unexpected behavior if i give the api a full path for it to return data from some other path. Use imageNamed: or otherwise wrap your call with a check against [UIDevice currentDevice].scale when building your path.

This sounds like expected behavior: it is giving you exactly what you asked for since you are giving it a complete path, not just a name.

Are you making sure to leave off the ".png" file extension in your imagePaths? If you specify an extension, it won't find the @2x image.

By lucius.kwok at July 18, 2010, 7:34 p.m. (reply...)

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