ipfilter in IPv6Mode DenyAllButLocal allows only link-local multicast

Number:rdar://8217369 Date Originated:2010-07-21 20:08
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:Mac OS X Server Product Version:10F569
Classification:Other bug Reproducible:Always

The Mac OS X Server Network Services Administration Manual, page 90 (in the middle) states: "By default, the IPv6Mode key has the string set to DenyAllExceptLocal. This setting applies the following rules, which denies all IPv6 traffic but permits local network traffic (...)". This is wrong - the only traffic getting allowed is ff02::/16 which is link-local multicast network! Local traffic comes either from fc80::/10 (link-local unicast) or fc00::/7 (Unique Local unicast, formerly site-local). Therefore, the firewall does not allow meaningful local traffic.

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Check Mac OS X Server Network Services Administration Manual, page 90 (in the middle)
2. It states correctly that when IPv6Mode in /etc/ipfilter/ip_address_groups.plist is set to DenyAllExceptLocal, the file cat /etc/ipfilter/ip6fw.conf.apple contains after a restart the line "add 1100 allow all from any to ff02::/16"
3. This is supposed to allow local traffic, but ff02::/16 is a link-local multicast-address (see http://www.iana.org/assignments/ipv6-multicast-addresses/)
4. Real local traffic is unicast, not multicast and will most probably come from fc00::/7 (Unique Local Address, ULA)

Expected Results:

Local IPv6 unicast traffic should be allowed.

Actual Results:

Link-local IPv6 multicast traffic is allowed.





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