iCal's "auto delete event setting" deletes events in read-only CalDAV Servers

Number:rdar://8286726 Date Originated:09-Aug-2010
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:Mac OS X Product Version:10.6
Classification:Other Bug Reproducible:Always

In my iCal I have several calendars. Some are local to my Mac. One is a CalDAV calendar, that belongs to myself (where I have read+write acess to), however, other users may also schedule events there and I have no write access to their events (only to events I have created myself). And I have two CalDAV calendars, that are shared among many users, and I have read access to both, but no write access to either one.

When I go to the iCal preferences and enable the option:

[_] Delete events __ days after they have passed.

iCall will do so for *all* of my calendars and all events in those calendars. No problem when this happens to my local calendars on my Mac and no problem when this happens to my personal iCal calendar for events, I have write access to. But when iCal does this on calendars I have no write access to, or for events in calendars I may not alter, then iCal will still do it to the local cache and as soon as it synchronizes with the remote calendar server again, it will throw one error dialog per event, offering me to either Go Offline or Revert to Server. Considering that the calendars have years of history, I had to click Revert to Server thousands of times to stop those dialogs from popping up.

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Add a CalDav Server to iCal, to that you have no write access, but that has events older than a week.

2. Configure iCal to delete all events older than 7 days.

Expected Results:

iCal will not try to delete any events in calendars I have no write access, nor will it delete items in calendars where I have write access, but not to this particular item. If iCal cannot determine either access right up front, it might just remember internal that this event shall be deleted on next sync and when it finally syncs again and gets a HTTP error, which tells it that no access permission is granted to this item, iCal does a "Revert to Server" without bothering the user.

Actual Results:

Tons of annoying dialogs forcing me to either Go Offline or manually revert hundreds or thousands of items to server.


Even better would be if I could set this property *per calendar* and not globally for all calendars. I would then disable it for calendars I know I have read-only access and then iCal only has to deal somehow with calendars, where I generally do have write access, but not to all events.




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