Printing a UIWebView changes the layout of the view

Number:rdar://8668247 Date Originated:11/15/2010
Status:Duplicate/8430611 Resolved:
Product:iPhone SDK Product Version:4.2
Classification:Serious Bug Reproducible:Yes
15-Nov-2010 11:26 AM Billy Mabray:

When using a UIViewPrintFormatter to print a UIWebView, the UIWebView changes, apparently applying the print styles on screen before sending the view to the Print Center.

Steps to Reproduce:

Download the PrintWebView sample code from the Developer Center. Build and run the project. Observe the UIWebView before and after printing.

Expected Results:

UIWebView should not change, but the printed version should use the proper print stylings.

Actual Results:

Both the UIWebView and the printed version of that view have print stylings applied.


I've attached screenshots, but my guess is you guys already know about this and are working on it.


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