Xcode 4 DP6 doesn't git ignore system invisible files

Number:rdar://8951416 Date Originated:2011/02/03
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:Xcode 4 Product Version:DP6/4A251a
Classification:Useability Reproducible:yes
Xcode 4 DP6 will not instruct git to ignore from revision controls system invisible files such as . DS_Store

Steps to Reproduce:
0- Create a new project. Set up a remote git repository for that project.
1- Add to the project a directory of existing files that happens to contain a .DS_Store file (not visible). Note that the .DS_Store file is not displayed in the project navigator.
2- File/Source Control/Commit… The .DS_Store file, is now visible in the file list as newly added file! It shouldn't.
3- Deselect the .DS_Store from being committed. Commit everything else.
4- Try to Push. I get an error message: "The working copy "ADPoc" has uncommitted changes. Commit or discard the changes and try again.". Yet no file in the project shows as modified. It seems ".DS_Store" might be the problem.
5- Try to commit, as instructed in the previous step: the Commit command is disabled in the menu, as the project shows no file to commit.

Expected Results:
In step 2: I expected  the .DS_Store *not* to be put under revision.
In step 4: I expected to be able to Push, since the Project Navigator did show anything to commit.
In step 5: I expected to be able to commit since Xcode told me so in step 4. Also simply because the .DS_Store file was still left to be committed.

Overall: I expected Xcode to put into a .gitignore file all the files that are not related to the project. That includes system invisible files such as .DS_Store.

Actual Results:
In step 2: .DS_Store file was put under revision control.
In step 4: I got an error when trying to push.
In step 5: The commit command was disabled, though Xcode told me to commit in step 4, and though the .DS_Store file was still left to be committed.


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