iCal events change place when adding/deleting a calendar

Number:rdar://9029138 Date Originated:21-Feb-2011
Status:Closed Resolved:in OS X 10.7.2
Product:iApps Product Version:iCal 4.0.4
Classification:Other bug Reproducible:always
Summary: When in month view, two iCal events occuring at the same time will often change their place when adding or deleting a calendar.

Steps to Reproduce:
1) Open iCal, change to month view and add two events happening on the same day at the same time.
2) Add a new calendar "On My Mac".
3) Delete the new calendar immediately.

Expected Results:
The calendar is added and deleted, while all events in other calendars remain as they are.

Actual Results:
The calendar is added and deleted. However, the two events occuring at the same time change their places.
Usually, they do it when the calendar is deleted, but sometimes during creation of the new calendar as well. It also happens — but much more infrequently — that they don't change places during creation/deletion of the new calendar. (I suspect this might depend on which items have keyboard focus, but I haven't been able to find the exact rules governing this behavior.)

iCal 4.0.4 in Mac OS X 10.6.6

Attached a screen recording.

(Screen recording can be found at fs.tum.de/~migenda/apple/9029138/ical1.mp4)


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