PLEASE allow the headphone button to mute the iphone microphone during a call!

Number:rdar://9135184 Date Originated:15-Mar-2011 10:27 AM
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:iPhone/iPod touch Product Version:4.3.1
Classification:UI/Usability Reproducible:Always

PLEASE update iOS so that an iphone can interpret an in-call press of the headphone button as "mute/unmute" instead of "end call."  (maybe do this on a long press of the button, so as not to alter the existing functionality?)

I am a business user of my iphone, but I also use a blackberry.  I use the same pair of headphones (the apple headphones that came with my iphone4) with either phone.  I am on a great many conference calls for my job, and there is an EXTREMELY frustrating difference between how the two phones handle the headphone button when that button is pressed during a call:  The blackberry mutes or unmutes the microphone when the headphone button is pressed, whereas the iphone ends the call.  (note that the blackberry CAN end the call via the headphone button, with a long press of the button)

This is one case where I find the blackberry's functionality to be far superior than the iphone. (note that, when the blackberry is ringing the headphone button answers the call, just like the iphone does.  Ditto for the ability to pause/play music - both handsets behave identically.)   The ability to quickly mute/unmute your microphone via hardware is CRUCIAL given the likelihood that I may be using another app (email, messages, safari) while I'm on the conference call, not to mention that I might keep the handset in my pocket.  

Steps to Reproduce:
1. plug apple headphones into iphone
2. dial into an important conference call
3. mute your microphone by tapping the onscreen "Mute" button
4. while the call is underway, open up your calendar and read the agenda for the meeting.  Then press the sleep button and put the iphone in your pocket as you make some coffee, walk down the hall to pick up something off the printer, etc (while still listening to the ongoing conference call)
5. at some point in the conference call, a crucial question is directed at you
6. habitually press the headphone button to unmute yourself

Expected Results:
You are unmuted and able to seamlessly join the conversation.
(as would be the case if you were carrying out the exact same steps with your blackberry)

Actual Results:
You unintentionally hang up on your coworkers or your customer.  You then spend a very long 30 seconds rejoining the conference call, at which point you apologize and explain that you accidentally pushed the hangup button on your iphone.

I don't believe this is a regression, I'm pretty sure it's been true of every iphone since day one.

Even if you avoided the accidental hangup that I describe above, you would STILL have to spend several seconds getting the iphone out of your pocket, press the wake button, swipe to unlock, tap the "return to call" button (since you're still in the calendar app...), tap the unmute button.  As the other callers have been waiting for your response, you then apologize and explain that "sorry, I was on mute and it took me awhile to get my iphone unmuted."

This may seem trivial, but for someone who is on a LOT of conference calls, it's a massive headache.


still a problem as of iOS 5.0.1

By rob.worman at Jan. 23, 2012, 5:06 p.m. (reply...)

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