UIActionSheet does not allow for easy customization of accessibility labels

Number:rdar://9373977 Date Originated:03-May-2011 03:44 PM
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:iPhone/iPod Touch Product Version:4.x
Classification:UI/Usability Reproducible:Always

The UIActionSheet does not provide a mechanism to customize the accessibility labels of the options in the sheet.

Expected Results:

I would have expected UIActionSheet to implement the UIAccessibilityContainer protocol which would have allowed the developer to easily customize the attributes of individual elements.


Not sure, but I assume the same applies to iOS versions prior to 4.x


The current workaround I use is: https://gist.github.com/953326


I just noticed that UISegmentedControl handles this by checking the given title strings for accessibility data. I have updated my workaround to do the same.

I’m still unsure if I prefer the NSString solution versus the classes implementing the UIAccessibilityContainer protocol, but they should do the same or at least provide a way to handle UIActionSheet.

By eloy.de.enige at May 3, 2011, 5:28 p.m. (reply...)

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