iCloud Holiday Calendars should get more legal/regional distinctions

Number:rdar://FB8922760 Date Originated:2020-11-30
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:iCloud Product Version:
Classification:Suggestion Reproducible:
- In Calendar.app (both on macOS and iOS) activate display of the holiday calendar.
- In the list of calendars, activate that calendar

- Proposing an editorial improvement.
- It would be fine if the holiday displayed could be as distinguished as possible, for Austria like i.e.:
- The displayed data is differentiated by this data/style characteristics:
-- Just the name: The holiday is common and celebrated, but NOT a public holiday.
-- The name plus the suffix "(ยง)": This is a public holiday. It's a paid day-off for normal employees. Implicitly it is valid nation-wide.
-- Location field contains comma separated regions/states: This holiday is not national but only on a regional level.


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